zeitgenössischer Zirkus
Who will take responsibility at last?
RE/ACT! puts topics such as moral courage and responsibility into a performance context.
Like this the audience and the performers can experience and experiment with those themes.
The performers, who have their roots in contemporary circus, dance and performance art, work with tools from these very fields.
They play. They play with falling and being caught, with blindness, taking risks and trust.
Who will take responsibility at last?
“Theater is a form of knowledge; it should and can therefore be a means of transforming society. Theater can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it.”
Augusto Boal
Creation and Performance: ego portrait – a circus-dance – perspective
Maja Karolina Franke & Ralph Öllinger
supported by
bmkoes – Bundesministerium Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport
Red Sapata – Tanzfabrik
Raw Matters